4 Basic Questions I came across with at one of my JavaScript Job Interview

4 Basic Questions I came across with at one of my JavaScript Job Interview

  • What is JavaScript?

  • What can you do with it?

  • Where does JavaScript code run?

  • JavaScript vs ECMAScript, What is the deference?

Starting with the first question;

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages in the world right now. It's growing faster than any other programming languages. And big companies like netflix, walmart, and PayPal build entire application around JavaScript.

It's really a great opportunity to get a good job out of learning JavaScript.

You can work as Front-end Developer, Back-end Developer or a Full-stack Developer.That's both front-end and back-end.

What can you do with JavaScript?

For a long time JavaScript was only used in browser to build interactive webpages. So developers refer to JS as a toy language but those days are far gone because of huge community support and investments by large companies like facebook and google. These days you can build full-blown web or mobile apps as well as real time networking application like chats and video streaming services command-line tools or even games .

Where does JavaScript code run?

JavaScript was original designed to run only in browsers so every browser has what we call a JavaScript engine that can execute JavaScript code for example the JavaScript engines in firefox and chrome are SpiderMonkey and V8. In 2009 a clever engineer called Ryan Dahl took the open-source JavaScript engine in chrome and embedded it insider a C++ program , he called that program node.The node is a C++ program that includes Google's V8 JavaScript engine now with this we can run JavaSCript code out of a browser so we can pass our JavaScript code to node for execution. This means with JavaScript we can build the backend for our web and mobile applications, so in a nutshell JavaScript code can be run inside a browser or in a node browsers and node provide a runtime environment for our JavaScript code.

What is the difference between JavaScript and ECMAScript?

Well ECMAScript is just a specification. JavaScript is a programming language that confirms to this specification. So we have this organization called a ECMA which is responsible for defining standards they take care of this ECMAScript specification. The first version of ECMA Script was released in 1997 then started from 2015. ECMA has been working on annual realeses of a newest specification. So in 2015 , They realesed ECMA 2015 which is also called ECMAScript VERSION 6 or ES6 for short.These specification defines many new features in Javascript.

Thanks for the read!